
The Taxpayers Association of Finland

The Taxpayers Association of Finland (TAF), founded 1947, is an advocacy and service organization for over 220 000 individual and corporate members. The bulk of membership consists of working households, pensioners and entrepreneurs.

TAF is a leading service and information provider in taxation, personal finance and investment. It advocates reasonable taxation and defends citizens’ rights in tax matters.

TAF operations are primarily funded by membership fees. As a nonpartisan association, it does not apply or receive any public funding.

The Association’s highest decision-making body is the General Meeting, which is held once a year. The Chairman of the association and its delegation is Professor Jaakko Ossa, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors is Ms. Kirsti Auranen. The CEO of the Taxpayers Association of Finland is Mr. Teemu Lehtinen.

Member benefits

Members can consult the association's tax lawyers free-of-charge in tax matters by telephone Mon-Fri from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

TAF’s member publication, Taloustaito, is Finland’s largest personal finance and investment magazine with a total reach of 475 000 weekly readers in print and digital space.

Members have access to vast tax research and resources through veronmaksajat.fi web site. They can also purchase the TAF books and other publications at a discounted member rate.

Members are invited to TAF’s annual Tax Summit in Helsinki. Local TAF associations in Finland organise smaller tax events featuring TAF experts giving practical advice on taxes and financial issues.

Currently, TAF services and products are available in Finnish only.

Membership fees

The membership fee for individuals is EUR 33 in 2024 plus a starting fee of EUR 8. The membership fee for companies is EUR 73–292 depending on the size of the company. The starting fee for companies is EUR 16.



Tulosta sivu
Veronmaksajat Puolenpitoa

Liity Veronmaksajien jäseneksi. Vain 35 € vuodessa + 8 € liittymismaksu!